First of June

Time flies so fast. Seemed like the year has just began and now we're on the 6th month of the year. Oh, and welcome my month. It's June! *wink*

Started of my month with a three-day off. Last saturday was a mini-reunion with ate Mich. We've been planning for a dine out for the past five months but none of them ever happened. I guess it's the schedule. Common time had been too impossible for us. At least not until last Saturday, when we finally had time and even accidentally bumped with kuya Jess, ate Za and Jay.

2nd of June, we came to celebrate mama (in-law)'s birthday. It was overwhelming to see her happy as she celebrated her 61st year in the living world. And I was touched to be called her 'manugang to be' *kilig much*

While I had a day-out with Mama, Sans and Chay for the 3rd of June, the last of my three-day off. We were supposed to see a dentist in Medicard Humana but we ended up roaming around Trinoma.

Ooops, and oh! Before I forget, the very essence of me writing this post is the good news I received earlier today. After almost 25 years, I finally see a hope in correcting my birth certificate. YEHEY! I'm glad to know that unlike before, I don't need to get a lawyer, attend hearings and process publication and spend ten thousand pesos and up to correct the most delicate mistake of my birth certificate. The process is much more easier and way cheaper than before. Only that I need to submit some documents and undergo some medical check ups, pay much lesser than 10k and wait until it was corrected. It's indeed a refreshing feeling. And just the thought that I'll officially be a female after all these years makes me leap in joy! Thank you Lord. Sooner or later, I will have no worries especially in processing important documents. And of course, I can now get married legally. Haha.

Thank you Lord, super. I know in your time, everything will be ok. All else will follow.

oh, you know what's next *wink*

- ymhej -


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