December 02

December 02.. The day finally arrived. Deadline of submission for the SLVSP Application. My paper is ready. But my heart is not.

Few weeks ago, when the announcement came, I was excited. I saw the sign, I told myself. (yep, I even sang the song literally). I asked for a second and third sign and luckily, I got them all. So eighty percent of me is still decided to file. But as the day came closer, I feel like there's something in me that I don't want to avail. I am not sure but I know there is something that bothers me. I know.. This is what I've been waiting for -- a chance to explore other opportunities. But a part of me is silently hoping the application be disapproved. And I wonder why.

Tomorrow will be the day I will be giving the paper to my ever beloved (and over handsome) boss. I still don't know what will happen next. The only thing I am sure of is my eagerness to finally leave my comfort zone and leave all the workloads behind. Am I ready?

Our supervisors set a lunch out for the whole commercial section tomorrow. Maybe tears may fall down. Sorry, it's my weakness. But whatever will happen, I know for sure, that God has a plan.

- ymhej -


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