Better Late than Never

Better late than never. For many, summer is the perfect time to discover places and enjoy. For me, lean or peak season, it does not really matter. What's important is that you enjoy. :)

I used to think that Puerto Princesa was just Puerto Princesa. But being here in this time of the year, I discovered something more about the place. True enough, it's not 'just' a province or a tourist spot. It is indeed a place to discover and enjoy.

Aside from the famous PPUR or Puerto Princesa Underground River, we've got the chance to experience Island Hopping. Oh, who would do such a thing on a rainy season? Blah. Keme with the weather, te! Actually, it wasn't raining at all in Puerto Princesa. The weather is fair and no traces of rain, feels like summer. Therefore, Hunda bay tour is in time!

First stop: PAMBATO REEF
Perfect for snorkeling, this is where we've seen the beauty on the depths of the ocean.

I'm not an environmentalist, but I secretly long to always see and experience the beauty of nature. That's what I love about travelling, I got the chance to get closer to nature and discover it's amazing beauty with my own eyes. I used to fill my eyes with land creatures, it's time to love 'under the sea'. What I just keep seeing on the television and magazines are now real life.

Next stop: PANDAN ISLAND (Isla Pandan)
The most beautiful island that ever meet my eyes - ISLA PANDAN. remeber those that you see in the advertisements or movies? I feel like I've been to those places. The island's beauty is indeed amaziiiiiing!

As the name suggests, the island is filled with starfishes. As I saw the place, I think they are still looking for investors who would possibly put up a business in the place, maybe for its betterment.

Until now I cannot get over from what I've seen during the Hunda Bay tour. God indeed blessed our country with so much beauty of nature. To tell you honestly, it is Puerto Princesa that taught me to love and take care of the nature even more. I've learned to appreciate even the mangrove forests. Special citation for Mayor Hagedorn for maintining the province clean and green. Two thumbs up for the fresh air that I breathe in and out of my system for 6 days, it really is rejuvinating.

Thank you Lord for the good weather during our stay in the amazing Palawan. ♥


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